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सार्वजनिक खरिद/बोलपत्र सूचना

शिर्षक आर्थिक वर्ष मिति दस्तावेज
Invitation for Quotations 20780207 ७७/७८ 05/21/2021 - 12:31 PDF icon Invitation for Quotations 20780207
Invitation for Bids for the construction of Basic Health Service Center Jhimruk Ward No. 3,4 and 8 Building Project Works ७७/७८ 05/06/2021 - 16:47 PDF icon Invitation for Bids for the construction of Basic Health Service Center Jhimruk Ward No. 3,4 and 8 Building Project Works
विपन्‍न वर्गका कृषकहरुलाई उन्‍नत जातको राँगा वितरण कार्यक्रम ७७/७८ 04/15/2021 - 18:25
सूचना सच्चाइएको सम्वन्धमा ७७/७८ 04/08/2021 - 16:44
Invitation for Bids for the Procurement of Jhimruk Ring Road Construction(Road Upgrading)Works section Second ७७/७८ 03/14/2021 - 12:08 PDF icon Invitation for Bids for the Procurement of Jhimruk Ring Road Construction(Road Upgrading)Works section Second
Invitation for Biids ७७/७८ 03/12/2021 - 12:22 PDF icon Invitation for Biids
माछा पोखरी निर्माण कार्यक्रम सम्वन्धी सूचना ७७/७८ 03/04/2021 - 10:25 PDF icon माछा पोखरी निर्माण कार्यक्रम सम्वन्धी सूचना
Invitaiton For Bids ७७/७८ 01/26/2021 - 12:54 PDF icon Invitation for Bids
Invitation for Bid for Procurement of Fabricated Steel parts for Truss & Suspended Bridge Second Time ७७/७८ 01/11/2021 - 12:13 PDF icon Invitation for Bid for Procurement of Fabricated Steel parts for Truss & Suspended Bridge Second Time
बोलपत्र रद्ध गरीएको सम्वन्धमा ७७/७८ 01/08/2021 - 10:58
